Mennonite Community Cookbook

The Mennonite Community Cookbook was written by Mary Emma Showalter and first published in 1950.   Mary Emma Showalter is credited as being part of the Home Economics Department at Eastern Mennonite College in Harrisonburg, Virginia.  In the introduction to the book, Showalter thanks the 125 women from Mennonite Communities across the nation who submitted over 5,500 recipes; 1,100 were selected to publish in the cookbook. 
At the beginning of each chapter, Showalter includes a short story, most of which were passed down from her grandmother, also known as “Aunt Mary”.    Chapters in the cookbook include:

  1. Breads
  2. Soups
  3. Meat and Meat Dishes
  4. Poultry and Fish
  5. Cheese, Egg and Casserole Dishes
  6. Vegetables and Vegetable Dishes
  7. Salads and Salad Dressings
  8. Cakes and Frostings
  9. Cookies
  10. Desserts
  11. Pastries, Pies, and Tarts
  12. Beverages
  13. Pickles and Relishes
  14. Jellies, Jams, Preserves
  15. Candies and Confections
  16. Miscellaneous

Also included in the cookbook is a section discussing definitions of common cooking terms, and general information about cooking and measurements. 
This is a classic cookbook, still in print; the most recent printing was a special 65th Anniversary Edition in 2015