The Art of Dutch Cooking – or How the Dutch Treat
The Art of Dutch Cooking was written by the Countess van Limburg Stirum in 1961 to feature “Delicious and unusual home cooking, traditional from Scheveningen to Freisland – everything from “green” herring to Sint Nicholaas candies.” In this volume, the Countess adapts traditional Dutch “home cooking” for the American cook and home. She attempts to introduce her American readers to the meals that are served in the average Dutch home since many of the “Dutch” dishes one may find in restaurants have been modified for the international traveler.
This cookbook was also part of a Ladies Home Journal Book Club “Double Value” cookbook that featured Dutch and Scandinavian cooking which was published in 1965. The drawings in the cookbook, as well as on the cover were made by the author. In addition to The Art of Dutch Cooking, the Countess is the author of three additional Dutch cookbooks.
The cookbook features the following sections:
- Introduction to Dutch Food
- A Day in Holland and the Meals Taken
- Appetizers and Cheese
- Soups
- Luncheon Dishes and Recipes for Leftover Food
- Fish
- Meat, Poultry, and Game
- Sauces
- Vegetables
- Potatoes
- Desserts
- Beverages and Parties
- Sint Nicholaas, a Festival for Children
- Indonesian Dishes
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